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It’s NOT Time Management It’s Task Management!

Are you constantly overwhelmed by the amount of work assigned to you or always forgetting about some of the tasks on your plate?

If your answer to this question is yes, now is a great time to review your task management skills. If you know how to plan your daily tasks, you’ll benefit from less stress and a clearer head. Task management is like a train. Once the first wagon is on the track, the remaining follow along on their own, and the driver can enjoy some rest.

The problem is not a matter of how much time is available, but rather it’s a matter of how well we manage the tasks that we need to get done in the time allowed. To become a good task manager, some sacrifices must be made. Sometimes, it’s we have to ask ourselves questions like:

“Is this a task I need to get done right now?”

“Is what I am doing in alignment with my priorities?”

“What is most critical to the people that work with me?”

What helps is setting measurable and achievable schedules to follow every week, every day, and every hour and then committing to them, keeping your top priorities in mind.

Need help with that? Try having your watch in front of you and scheduling things around a pre-set time. Do the tasks that matter most to you first—or try what I have found helps, which is knocking out the hardest task first. No need putting it off.

Most importantly, trust yourself, and be your own master. If you know yourself and believe in yourself, you can overcome all weaknesses and mistakes to take control of your life.

What are some of the best ways you keep your life and work under control and on track?

Share your best tips in the comments!

-Simplice Tajeken, IT

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